Type-safe routing
Enjoy type safety for routing and navigation APIs in Waku projects.

technical director of candycode
Continuing our winter retrospective of Waku’s recently added features, today we’re excited to highlight type-safe routing contributed by Tyler Lawson. This addition brings compile-time safety to your routing and navigation logic while staying true to Waku’s minimalist principles.
Type-safe routing
While support for loose typing comes out of the box, you can opt into further type inference in TypeScript projects by adding as const assertions to the return of getConfig for each of your project’s routes.
// ./src/pages/blog/[slug].tsx
export default async function BlogArticlePage() { ... }
export const getConfig = async () => {
return {
render: 'static',
staticPaths: ['foo', 'bar'],
} as const; // NEW!
Developer experience
Afterwards enjoy type checks and IDE autocompletion for the <Link> component’s to prop as well as parameters of useRouter() methods like router.push().
'use client';
import { Link, useRouter } from 'waku';
const Component = () => {
const router = useRouter();
return (
<Link to="/invalid/link">Wrong link</Link>
<button onClick={() => router.push('/invalid/path')}>Wrong path</button>
You can also use the new PageProps export to type the props of each route:
// ./src/pages/blog/[slug].tsx
import type { PageProps } from 'waku';
export default async function BlogArticlePage(
props: PageProps<'/blog/[slug]'>,
) { ... }
export const getConfig = async () => {
return {
render: 'static',
staticPaths: ['foo', 'bar'],
} as const; // NEW!
Type generation
Note that a new pages.gen.ts file is present in your project. Check this file into your code repository for compile-time type checking in your CI/CD pipeline.
Bundle up for more...
There’s still more to explore in our series of recent Waku improvements. Stay tuned for another exciting development. Warm wishes!